melee–像素勇者 日期: 12月 27, 2015 Area Control / Area Influence +4 Auction / Bidding Movement Auction Simultaneous Action Selection Take That Variable Player Powers Area Control / Area Influence Auction / Bidding Movement Auction Simultaneous Action Selection Take That Variable Player Powers
總督–Viceroy 日期: 11月 28, 2015 Card Drafting +1 Hand Management Memory Set Collection Tile Placement Card Drafting Hand Management Memory Set Collection Tile Placement
王への請願–國王骰 日期: 7月 24, 2015 Card Drafting Dice Rolling + Pattern Building Card Drafting Dice Rolling Pattern Building
Dorasure–屠龍遠征 日期: 5月 27, 2015 Area Movement +1 Co-operative Play Dice Rolling Variable Player Powers Area Movement Co-operative Play Dice Rolling Variable Player Powers
Dungeon of Mandom–地牢探險 日期: 5月 27, 2015 Memory Player Elimination Press Your Luck + Take That Memory Player Elimination Press Your Luck Take That
街コロ(骰子街)–擴充 日期: 2月 01, 2015 Card Game City Building + Dice Rolling Card Game City Building Dice Rolling